Contact us

Be-Ge Personbilar AB is authorized for the sales and service of Volkswagen private and transport cars and Skoda. The company has two operation sites, Oskarshamn and Vetlanda.

This website is only in Swedish

This website is only in Swedish, but we are happy to help you if you have any questions. Please contact us at any of the following numbers and addresses.

Be-Ge Personbilar AB Oskarshamn

Box 908
Södra Fabriksgatan 12
572 29 Oskarshamn

Invoice address:
Be-Ge Personbilar AB/ePP Fack
110569, R 011
106 54 Stockholm

Phone: + 46 (0) 491- 76 15 00
Fax: + 46 (0) 491- 76 15 00

Reference (six digits) must always be stated on the invoice under ”your reference”. Contact the finance department if you want to send an invoice to us as a pdf

Be-Ge Personbilar AB Vetlanda

Box 194
Verkstadsgatan 2
574 22 Vetlanda

Invoice address:
Be-Ge Personbilar AB/ePP Fack
110569, R 011
106 54 Stockholm

Phone: + 46 (0) 383 - 46 73 00
Fax: + 46 (0) 383 - 46 73 00

Reference (six digits) must always be stated on the invoice under ”your reference”. Contact the finance department if you want to send an invoice to us as a pdf.

Contact us

Contact us here

If you want to get in touch with us please fill in the form

Contact us here